Research for equitable and sustainable global health

I’m a public health researcher and evaluator based in Canada and Kenya. My work focuses on measuring and improving the impact of global health programs.

Recent publications

How I can help



I currently work at the International Livestock Research Institute where I am developing an international research agenda focused on testing and evaluating solutions to address global One Health challenges, including zoonoses, antimicrobial resistance, and food and water safety. I completed postdoctoral training in science policy at the Public Health Agency of Canada (2022-23; funded by Mitacs) and doctoral training in public health at the University of Guelph (2017-2022; funded by CIHR).

I also work as a research and evaluation consultant, both independently and with various consulting firms. Throughout my career, I have successfully completed 22 consulting projects centered on health and other development topics, spanning across Canada and worldwide. My particular focus lies in integrating equity and climate change considerations into program design and assessment. I explored this area during my doctoral research and am now extending these efforts in my ongoing research and practice. I am dedicated to high-quality evaluation and I hold a Credentialed Evaluator designation from Canada.

Working with partners and clients have led to publications in high-impact journals spanning various disciplines including One Health, Global Food Security, Environmental Research Letters, WIREs Climate Change, and Evaluation. I care about making complex ideas accessible and have written complementary research notes, policy briefs, and pieces to popular audiences. My goal is to continue supporting organizations in applying evidence-informed strategies to address global health challenges in equitable and environmentally sustainable ways.


PhD, 2022
Department of Population Medicine, University of Guelph

MPH, 2015
Department of Population Medicine, University of Guelph

HBSc, 2013
Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology, University of Guelph

Health System Impact Fellowship ($155,000; declined), 2023-25

Canadian Science Policy Fellowship ($75,000; completed), 2022-23

CIHR Doctoral Award ($105,000; completed), 2019-22

Globalink Research Award ($4,000; completed), 2015

Work experience

Postdoctoral Scientist, 2023-present
Animal and Human Health, International Livestock Research Institute

Consultant, 2015-present
Both independently and collaboratively with consulting firms
– Selected examples: FAO, ILRI, WorldFish, Cathexis Consulting, and Baastel International

Sessional Lecturer, 2022-present
School of Public Health Sciences, University of Waterloo

Mitacs Science Policy Fellow, 2022-23
Office of the Chief Science Officer, Public Health Agency of Canada